Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Chocolate fountain

The chocolate fountain is a big hit at holiday parties. The chocolate fountain makes an amazing centerpiece at these types of event. Decorations can be added to match the theme of the party or holiday celebration

Fun facts about chocolate

1) On the fourth visit of Christopher Columbus to the Americas, he came across cocoa beans, which he presented to the Spanish court. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, however, dismissed chocolate as a bizarre tribal concoction. Boy, did they miss the boat!

2) “Giri Choco” is a japanese custom which means “duty chocolate.” It calls for employees to give chocolates to their managers as a token of loyalty.

3)A recent study indicates when men crave food, they tend to crave fat and salt. When women crave food, they tend to desire chocolate.

4)The botanical name of the chocolate plant is Theobramba cacao, which means “Food of the Gods.”

5)Chocolate was considered an aphrodisiac by the Aztec Indians, and as such, was forbidden to women. Today, some postulate that chocolate triggers a brain chemical that produces the same reaction brought on by a passionate love affair. Perhaps that is why, when a love affair turns sour, many a spurned lover goes on a chocolate binge.

6)The term “white chocolate” is a misnomer. Under Fedaral Standards of Identity, real chocolate must contain chocolate liquor (see “A Short History of Chocolate”). “White” chocolate contains no chocolate liquor.