Monday, March 3, 2008

The Power of Chocolate!!!

What I've learned about Pure Dark Chocolate and all the Super Foods I add to Power Chocolates.
Dark Chocolate's Heart-Health Secret Discovered Studies confirm cardiovascular benefits of cocoa and the suspected reason for its protective power by Craig Weatherby and Randy HartnellThere's little doubt that both unrefined cocoa powder and dark chocolates-those containing 60 percent or more cocoa-are good for heart health.Thanks to a wealth of research in recent years, scientists believe, with a high degree of certainty, that unrefined cocoa and dark chocolate alike produce four effects beneficial to cardiovascular health, each of which are known to result when antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the blood:

1. Keep arteries relaxed. Free radicals prompt the endothelial cells that line our arteries to send "contract, please" signals to surrounding muscle, thereby narrowing the artery and increasingthe risk of heart attack.

2. Reduce the risk of dangerous blood clots. Bone marrow cell fragments called blood platelets clump together in response to internal or external bleeding, to help form clots that can stem the flow. Free radicals increase the tendency of platelets to aggregate into clumps, while antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents like aspirin and ginger reduce unhealthful clotting.

3. Reduce oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the blood. This helps prevent it from adhering to artery walls and oxidizing other blood fats.

4. Raise blood levels of HDL ("good") cholesterol. HDL carries cholesterol back to the liver (where it was produced), to be passed from the body. HDL may also remove excess cholesterol from plaque in arteries. A high level of HDL (i.e., over 45 mg/dL) and a high ratio of HDL to total cholesterol reduces the risk of heart attacks.But, until a specific compound in cocoa was shown to produce any of these effects, scientists could not attribute cocoa's cardiovascular benefits to its polyphenol antioxidants with absolute certainty.